Cibo participates in VOKA's VCDO
A sustainable policy
The Voka trajectory provides ideal support for firmly embedding sustainable entrepreneurship in Cibo's strategy and vision. Every year, we aim to implement at least 10 actions in at least four of the five core areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnership, and Peace, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
Our progress will be reviewed annually by a team of independent experts, evaluating our completed actions. Success in these evaluations earns us the SDG Pioneer label under the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
This trajectory is led by Sophie Gilles and Heiko Lipkens.

Anchoring sustainability in the organisation

Compliance with all current and future Flemish, Belgian and European legislation
Current certificate

Discover some recent actions on sustainable development

No hunger
At Cibo, we believe in creating a working environment where wellbeing and health are key. By offering free fruit, we aim to bring a healthy snack within reach. We also impose conditions on our caterers to prevent food waste.

Good health and well being
Cibo regularly organises sports activities, such as a ping-pong tournament and its own version of ‘The Container Cup’. In addition, Cibo has participated in 'Kom Op Tegen Kanker' and encourages healthy commuting by bike, with an impressive 34,000 kilometres cycled to work by employees together by 2024.

Affordable and clean energy
The roof of our second site in Wespelaar is completely covered with solar panels, providing as much as 20% of our total energy consumption in a sustainable way.

Reduced inequalities
Cibo is committed with great dedication to Akany, an organisation dedicated to providing quality education to underprivileged children in Madagascar. Akany was founded by Rosa Lipkens, the mother of Bram and Sophie Gilles, and therefore has a close relationship with Cibo.

Partnership for the goals
In the area of sustainable business, we work with various bespoke companies and enclaves to support inclusiveness and social employment.

Peace, justice and strong instituation
Given the increase in cyber attacks causing operational disruptions and significant damage, we are strengthening our commitment to cyber resilience. This is why Cibo is participating in the Phished project, an organisation dedicated to increasing alertness around scams and digital scams.

Climate action
At Cibo, we aim to increase biodiversity on our premises. In 2025, we will plant a biodiverse forest consisting of native tree species such as oak, maple, bilberry, lime and hornbeam. A (non-biodivers) poplar forest was cut down for this purpose.

Gezien de toename van cyberaanvallen die operationele verstoringen en aanzienlijke schade veroorzaken, versterken we onze inzet voor cyberweerbaarheid. Daarom neemt Cibo deel aan het Phished-traject, een organisatie die zich inzet voor het vergroten van alertheid rondom scams en digitale oplichting.
Solar panels Cibimmob
Planting biodiverse forest
Cibo participates in 'Kom Op Tegen Kanker'
Heiko Lipkens and Sophie Gilles
Cibo's future goals
Developing talent and competence policies for manufacturing employees
Provided internal training around the SDGs and The EU green deal
Establishing a supplier code of conduct and monitoring supplier behaviour
Further development of digital work instructions and digitisation of production
Fire prevention and emergency planning
More energy from renewable sources
Business continuity analysis of production at Cibo
Set up sustainability KPIs and monitoring system in preparation for making a sustainability report according to the VSME standaard
CO2 determination of products in preparation for CSRD law
Reduce use of city water by using more rainwater
Investigate further reduction of packaging (inbound and outbound)
Setting up cooperation with technical schools